Home » Elon Musk Announces Huge Change to Way News Will Be Seen on X.com
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Elon Musk Announces Huge Change to Way News Will Be Seen on X.com

Elon Musk is reportedly planning to remove headlines from news articles shared on X. The reported changes could see Musk removing headlines when users share a news article on the social networking site, formerly Twitter. It would see posts only displaying the image and URL of that article and users would need to write out any words they wish to share alongside the tweet.

Removing the headlines is said to be aimed at freeing up space in the timeline to show more posts while Musk is said to be forcing journalists to write their articles directly on X. The billionaire owner said journalists who want “more freedom to write” and “higher income” should publish directly on the platform.

It comes after the platform has been using its ‘t.co’ link shortener to crush traffic to Instagram, Threads, and publications such as the New York Times. A recent update to the X app added a label that shows the URL of websites above the images of shared articles. and despite advertisers taking a stand against the change, Musk reportedly plans to go ahead with the controversial move. Proposed new headline rules could have a huge impact on writers, journalists, and other creators using headlines to gather traffic, reports Fortune. It comes after Musk has been implanting a number of changes across the site after taking ownership last year.

Musk is also to remove users’ ability to block others on the app claiming he doesn’t believe the feature makes sense, reports say. The block feature on X is described as an ability that helps the user control how they interact with others on the app. Blocking on X helps users restrict certain accounts from following them, seeing their tweets and generally interacting with them. Oftentimes, users will block accounts for certain content, or unusual conduct on the app, which could be harassment or threats made toward them.

Musk, according to a report from Variety.com, suggested users utilize the app’s “mute” feature, which removes an account’s post from the user’s timeline. The muted user would still be able to follow the account. On the other hand, the “block” feature is heavily favoured by users because it prohibits certain people from following an account, interacting with it and even viewing the account.

When one mutes a user, they can still comment on your tweets. The only difference is that the user won’t get notified if a muted account replies to their tweet. Another approach could involve making one’s account private so only followers can view the account activity. X’s help website stated: “When you sign up for Twitter, your Tweets are public by default; anyone can view and interact with your Tweets. If you protect your Tweets, you’ll receive a request when new people want to follow you, which you can approve or deny.”

Source: MIRROR
